Auto liquidity
On every Transaction, 1% of funds are sent to liquidity on Pancakeswap ensuring that there will always be $ECAKE to buy.
EtherCake's goal is to reward it's users. In addition to rewards, $ECAKE's team plans on creating the most trusted multi-chain staking and IDO platform in crypto. We look to provide high quality projects and great support along the way.
To help protect against bots, snipers, and whales, $ECAKE features a 2% max buy and 0.5% max sell. There is also a 2% max hold
To help garner trust in the project, we will vest (time lock) the marketing and dev tokens.
While it can seem scary, and can cause weak-handed people to panic. There is an easy explaination to it. With every transaction, some tokens are stored in the $ECAKE smart contract. Once the amount of tokens held in the contract reaches a certain threshold, it sells the tokens for ETH + CAKE and sends them to token holders as rewards.
EtherCake focuses on rewarding holders with ETH + CAKE automatically. All the user has to do is hold 50000 $ECAKE and they will receive rewards every 60 minutes.
On every Transaction, 1% of funds are sent to liquidity on Pancakeswap ensuring that there will always be $ECAKE to buy.
$ECAKE is extensively tested and will be audited by multiple companies.
There is a max buy of 2% and max sell of 0.5%. There is also a max hold of 2%.
With every buy transaction, token holders will receive 3% ETH and 3% CAKE rewards. On sells, it is increased to 4% ETH and 4% CAKE rewards.
EtherCake is a decentralized crypto network that is earned, owned, and governed by the community. It will be fairlaunched on Pinksale.
All initial Liquidity has been locked with Pinksale. Marketing and Dev wallets will be vested.
EtherCake is part of the next generation of rewards tokens on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC): you get rewarded in ETH + CAKE instead of just tokens.
✅ Token planning
✅ Market research
✅ Marketing planning
✅ Starting development
✅ Website reveal
✅ Telegram creation
✅ Twitter creation
✅ Airdrop
✅ Deploy token
✅ Fair launch on Pinksale
✅ Marketing push
Launch on Pancakeswap
CoinGecko Listing
CoinMarketCap Listing
Trust Wallet listing
Influencer posts
Staking platform
Heavy marketing push
Influencer parnerships
Additional exchange listings
Launchpad reveal
Multi-blockchain staking
Heavy Marketing
Company partnerships